My Delusion

Marathon training is in full swing and my long runs on Sunday are getting longer. Out on the rural roads in Central Texas, there are few distractions, leaving me to my thoughts. It's what I enjoy most about distance training. What follows is a "note to self" following this morning's ruminating. Admit it Allen, you've been delusional for a very long time. Somehow you thought that when you began moving away from religious and political dogma that you would become clear and free of delusion; That you'd now become a Rational Thinker, relying on evidence and reason rather than prescribed, baseless dogma. Not true. It's become clear that your expectations were unrealistic. Your expectations of yourself and of others have been based upon some ideal image that you've conjured up. Based upon what? Probably lots of psychological and developmental reasons buried in there as the basis for these images, but regardless of their source, they're unrealistic and ha...