Loss and receiving prayer, "post-faith"

It's been a tough week. On Monday, February 6th, 2012, I returned from a walk around the neighborhood and my dogs were dutifully awaiting my return in the front yard, as usual. Parker, my dark, 100+ lb. German Shepherd began bouncing and faux-attacking Sonny - the beautiful white Jindo-German Shepherd mix (we think) pictured above - to clear a safe path to the door for her owner. Sonny appeared normal until he got to the stairs leading from the garage to the back door; He froze and just looked at me. I helped him up the stairs, he walked about 12 feet inside the house and laid down, breathing heavily. I rushed Sonny to our veterinarian and they said he was had fluid in his chest, that he was in rapid decline, and they needed to get him on an IV with fluids, anti-inflammatories, and steriods to get him stable. They called me a couple of hours later telling me he was stable and they think he had gone into anaphylactic shock. He stay...