Sources of Joy and Bitterness
I recently wrote a whiny Facebook post about my bitterness due to a running-related injury. I haven't been able to run for a week due to what appears to be a case of Plantar Fasciitis in my left heel. Running is my outlet, my therapy, my time to think deeply - alone - about all things deep, funny, troubling, and beautiful. It also helps keep the weight off as I'm prone to overindulging in pretty much everything I like. In short, it's essential to both my mental and physical well-being. A friend commented on the Facebook post - perhaps in jest, perhaps not - something to the effect of "What's your excuse for the other 20 years of bitterness?" (not a direct quote, as somehow the post disappeared). At first I laughed then the gears began to turn. Unfortunately, it really is a great question for me. If I'm really honest, I've displayed more than my fair share of bitterness for not 20 years, not 25 years, but for just over 32 of my 49 years. In fact,...